
Fuffr Phone Case - Make Any Surface a Trackpad

Control your phone using the dining room table. The kitchen counter. Your girlfriend's stomach (sometimes dropping $1,200 on private Pilates lessons does pay off, 'ey?) Fuffr, a forthcoming case for iPhones, busts through...

iStick USB-Lightning Flash Drive

$79 - $299 Kickstarter »

Apple loves their proprietary ports more than a back alley hooker loves crack. And while iStick can't put an end to this affinity, it can make it easier for those of us with iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches to deal with...

Mobile Device Seat-back Mount

Sold Out Amazon »

The only redeeming qualities of being on an airplane are that I can guiltlessly spend 3 to 9 hours doing nothing but eating, getting drunk, and watching full seasons of Battlestar Galactica. However, this is also problematic...

SpareOne Emergency Phone

Sold Out Amazon »

Not so much emergency as in your smartphone's battery died in the middle of placing a midnight Dominoes order and you can't find your charger. More like emergency as in you've been snow camping on a mountain for 3 days...

5-Port Multi-Device Charger

Sold Out Amazon »

One thing I like to do is buy stuff. A lot of this stuff requires a charger. And none of it--none of it!--ever seems to require the same charger. Anker's compact and tidy 5-port USB charger claims to have enough ports...

35-Mile, 22-Channel Two-Way Radios


Even in a market flooded with the advanced technology of smartphones and swell devices like Iridium's Go Global Hotspot, walkie-talkies persevere. Because, at least for the reigning generation, they maintain one thing...

Liquid-Armor - Nano Tech Screen Protector

Sold Out Amazon »

If Dynaflo's Liquid-Armor works, here's some happy news for people whose screens ever have unhappy run-ins with keys, rain, and dust particulates. Packaged in a 10 mL bottle (about 50 sprays), Liquid-Armor applies to...

Bacon Scent-Emitting Alarm

"The essence of Oscar Mayer bacon will strum at your nostril strings like no other." While the Oscar Mayer brand has never been my first choice at the pork candy store, it will definitely be my first choice at the scent-emitting...

Fixed - App to Fight Parking Tickets

Those of you who follow the detailed accounts I provide of my illustrious life now know that I have racked up many hundreds of dollars in unpaid parking tickets. So many hundreds that you could technically upgrade the...

Darth Vader Lightsaber Portable Charger

$49.90 Brando »

The Jedis may have the Force, but the Dark Side has power. Tons of it. Enough to take your iPhone, Android, or Windows mobile phone from dead to fully juiced and ready for battle. One round with the Darth Vader lightsaber...

Sphero 2B

$99 Sphero »

A couple of years ago, Sphero became the first robotic ball gaming system maneuverable through a tilt, touch, or swing from connected smartphones or tablets. Sphero can roll on tabletops, serve as a handheld controller...

Smarty Ring Smartphone Controller

$175 Smarty Ring »

Smartphone-connected watches, smartphone-connected wristbands, it was only a matter of time before someone came up with a smartphone-connected ring. Particularly with the great fanfare surrounding the Ring Clock. Smar

Blow Up Traffic App

I think I'm in love. Blow Up Traffic is an iPhone app that simulates setting fire to gridlocks or otherwise offensive individual vehicles that are driving like complete fucking morons, such as buses and Toyota Priuses...

Phonebloks - Modular Cell Phones

Dave Hakkens has the perfect cell phone for you. Or rather, he has a Santa Claus sack of bloks you can use to build the perfect cell phone for you. It's called Phoneblok. It's genius. For as many reasons as bloks comprising...

Paperback - iPhone Post-It Notes

Although I recently made the astute observation that no one uses pens to write things down anymore, now that these Paperback sticky notes will allow us to merge ink with our iPhones, it's possible some people will reacquire...

Zendure the Strong & Durable - External Battery


For the making of their Kickstarter video, and because destructive testing is always fun, Zendure founder Bryan Liu rolled over the external battery's A4 model a dozen times as it charged an iPhone 4S. Presumably with...

HOLHO - Smartphone Hologram Generator

$38 - $530 HOLHO »

HOLHO. It's like a portmanteau of Holla! and Jai Ho! And the contraption is an Italian design, so we've got some real cultural diversity going on here in the world of holograms. A pyramid-shaped structure that sits on...

TinkerBrink LEGO Compatible iPhone Case

$29.95 Amazon »

Idle hands are the devil's playground. So I should probably occupy them dicking around with my phone. Or using my all-white LEGO Architecture Studio to build a 1:10 scale replica of Falcor. Or, hey, hey, how about if...

Pressy Instant Function Android Button

$18.44 - $19.99 Amazon »

I. LOVE. BUTTONS. And one of the 17 reasons I refuse to convert from a flip to a smartphone is the latter's infuriating lack thereof. A touchscreen? Really? Maybe if my fingers had stopped growing at the age of 6, but...

iblazr LED Flash for Smartphones

Sold Out Amazon »

Is iblazr truly the "first fully synchronized flash for iPhone, iPad, and Android"? I don't know, what do I look like, a fact checker? Someone who takes the time to verify the information he relays? I'll tell you one...

Mr. Ghost Smartphone EMF Detector

$19.99 ThinkGeek »

Do I believe in ghosts? Well, I believe something drank half of those empty Bud Light Lime bottles strewn across my living room floor because I couldn't have possibly blown through three 6-packs on my own. And before...

3D Printed Skull iPhone Case


3D printed, covering an iPhone, and in the shape of a skull may be the only way in which it is acceptable for a male to wear patterns of lace. Joshua Harker's 3D printed lacy-looking skull iPhone cases spiff up Steve...

XAPPR Smartphone Gaming Gun

$26.95 Amazon »

Do you think XAPPR is pronounced "Zapper" as in "Xylophone," and as in "Shoot 'em up with your smartphone," or "Ex-app-ear" as in "X-ray," and as in "Push the button and your ex will magically materialize before you...

No Network - Battle Tank Cell Signal Jammer

Julian Oliver's No Network cell phone signal jamming BATTLETANKMOTHERFUCKERRR! is not in production or for sale or making appearances anywhere outside of its gallery setting. And even if it were I would not tell you where...