Igloo Dome Sensory Deprivation Pillow

Posted: March 03, 2015
Igloo Dome Sensory Deprivation Pillow

Shield yourself from all light and sound while you sleep without strapping things over your eyes, jamming them in your ears, or looking like an ostrich. The Igloo Dome Pillow is a cushioned sleeping tent for the head designed to (almost) completely block out sound and light for a more perfect night's sleep. Or noon's nap. Or 3 o'clock desktop snooze.

Igloo Dome Pillows are sewn with special urethane materials to absorb sounds and banish light. Use one in bed, on a desk, on the arm of your sofa when your mama won't switch from Celtic Woman to basketball, or even camping if the silent pitch blackness of nature isn't silent or pitch black enough for you. Igloo Dome specs:

  • Around 99.9% light blockage
  • Sound absorption ratio of approximately 126%
  • Dome size of 28.3" x 21.7" x 14.2"
  • Foldable/collapsible for storage
  • Materials: PET, urethane, polyurethane, cotton
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