Blood Pool Pillow

Posted: August 27, 2012
Blood Pool Pillow
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Everyone will be glad to know this Blood Pool Pillow comes with a 1-year warranty. Like, in case it evaporates or absorbs into the bedsheets or something, I guess. The deep red velvet casing is stuffed to a 3D level of equal parts comfort and distaste, particularly when used while sneaking in a nap at the office. For dogs, the Blood Pool Pillow is also a good prop to haul in when convincing owners who declare, "I'm going to kill you!" upon returning home to shredded couch cushions, gnawed leather shoes, and an assortment of used feminine products strewn about the living room, that you are already dead.

Pillows are amoebic in shape as shown, and sized approximately 22" x 15.7".

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