Anti-Fatigue Faux Grass Rug

Posted: May 21, 2016
Anti-Fatigue Faux Grass Rug
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Stressed out? Stuck in the office while summer happens out the window next to you? Just need some serenity now? I don't know how the hell a faux grass carpet is supposed to solve any of those problems, but according to the people who are bringing barefoot-in-the-field to your desk chair, you should give it a try and find out.

They call the anti-fatigue faux grass rug on-demand relaxation. The ultimate relief for exhausting days. The key to making your feet smile. And what evidence backs the idea that placing bare feet in grass--real or faux--provides total body rejuvenation? Maybe it's just the power of escapism, imagining yourself running through the park. Or the power of nostalgia, remembering doing it as a kid.

Or maybe the whole "grass foot massage" concept is a total crock, but a faux grass floor mat feels nicer to sink your feet into than the shaggy polyester one with coffee stains and enchilada sauce crust all over it you're using now.

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