Bison Airlighter

Posted: May 13, 2014
Check It Out

The Bison Airlighter ejects a 4" flame to ignite charcoal and wood, and then blows a shot of air into its ear to spread the fire and get it really hot. As an air-driven lighter it claims to be faster, cleaner, and safer for use in starting BBQs, campfires, and wood-burning fireplaces.

When directed towards coal, Bison says its Airlighter can plant the burn in 10 seconds, accelerate to high in less than a minute, and achieve cook-ready temperatures in 5 to 6 minutes. Butane-powered only to ignite itself, the lighter will not pass any lighter fluid taste onto the coals or wood it serves. So. Obviously not recommended for those who enjoy the umami kick of fuel on their burgers.

Additional Airlighter perks include the ability to light and stoke fires without moving their kindling, a barrel that stays cool to the touch in response to the device's forced airflow, an adjustable handle, and an integrated flashlight and bottle opener.

A Dude Father's Day, or other day, gift for Dad pick.

Muchas danke to Uncrate.

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