Sunmile Electric Meat Grinder

Posted: July 14, 2016
Sunmile Electric Meat Grinder
Check It Out

Of the Sunmile Electric Meat Grinder, Amazon's top positive reviewer says, "At this price point it is suited for the weekend gourmand who wants a proper tasting burger." And I think that's about all we need to know.

There are a bunch of big countertop kitchen gadgets ready to grind yer meat out there, but at under $100, Sunmile's combines one of the best price points with some of the best reviews. And it has a few hundred of them contributing to its 4.3-star average.

The grinder has a 400W rated and 800W max locked power rating they say can grind up to 170 pounds of meat per hour. Whoa, that's a lot of proper tasting burgers. Enough for the weekend gourmand's 350-person wedding. Body construction is stainless steel and the appliance includes a full set of accessories: 1 x stainless cutting blade; 1 x set stainless steel cutting plates; 1 x plastic food pusher; and 1 x set of sausage maker attachments.

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