Zerobody Anti-Gravity Bed
The Zerobody is a sensory deprivation float tank that removes the one major P in the A side effect of floating: getting wet. (True, drowning is kind of a pain too, but most of these tanks have only about a foot of water in them, and they're packed with so much epsom salt that you'd have to try pretty hard to accomplish it.) This completely dry anti-gravity experience says it can provide your mind and body with the same relaxation and psychological illumination as the one that relies on submersion, and without the hassle, mess, and waste of climbing into gallons and gallons of salt water.
A collaboration between spa brand Starpool, Italian designer Christiano Mino, and brain wellness research company Neocogita, the Zerobody envelops users in its heated water bed folds in a way that gives the sensation of having all sensation removed. Instead of feeling the "bed" against their skin, Zerobody-ers will feel as if they're suspended in the air.
The Zeroboday also combines with the NU Relax "personal brainer" app to further calm the mind into a meditative, focused, brain-recharging state.