The Royal Data Throne

Posted: April 23, 2012
The Royal Data Throne

Time for a data dump! Computers acting pokey and lethargic need one. So do those that can't go more than 2 or 3 clicks without cramping up. That seem to have had one too many cookies. That start making unpleasant sounds. These computers are plugged up, and searching desperately for a place to drop a great...big...deuce of data.

And while the Royal Data Throne can't really provide them literal relief, its stunning presence as the sculpted manifestation of our feelings about excess data does provide some cathartic comic relief. A veritable amusement park of detail from Steven Rodrig's PCB Creations, the toilet is made of computer hard drive components, replete with guts in its tank, and a secret data storage area under its lid. Measurements are 12" x 11" x 5".

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