BCX Slingshot

Posted: April 14, 2014
BCX Sling Shot
Check It Out

I can't figure out why this slingshot is so expensive. It must be the one David used to slay Goliath. Alright then, give me a rock and a pair of eyeballs...and $200, Mama...and I'll see what I can do.

BCX's slingshot design draws inspiration from the company's axe handles. It has a custom-pressed Spectraply laminate core, hickory scales, and a 3/4" Theraband Gold straight-cut slinger. Each piece is hand cut and shaped by Nathan Masters, whom BCX describes as "the master of all things slingshot." Hmmm, I wonder how much ass being a master of all things slingshot awards one. Will have to look into that. The piece's fork-supported style with "over the top"banding profile gives it great power and you, in turn, great responsibility while using it.

BCX slingshot sets include 1 banded slingshot, an additional band and pouch assembly, 1 Civilware hand-screened target, and instructions/safety guidelines. BCX recommends use with 3/8" steel ammo.

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