Book of Things Better Than Boobs
- Sweet Shaven Angels - $56.95
- 199 Vaginas: The Ultimate Photo Collection - $22.49
- Volcanic Girls Nude Photography - $41.09
- SuicideGirls: Geekology - $28.62
- Lessons in Lingerie: Finding Your Perfect Shade of Seduction - $14.13
Part of me wants to tell you what's inside the Book of Things Better Than Boobs so you'll get why it's so brilliant, but part of me wants to let you find out for yourself so you'll experience why it's so brilliant. I think I'll just leave it at this: Clint Thrust's (now that's an interesting name...) Book of Things Better Than Boobs is balls-on accurate. I doubt any man--or woman for that matter--would contest his selections or argue that he's left a single one out.
The Book of Things Better Than Boobs is probably my favorite gag gift of 2015. Birthdays, stocking stuffers, white elephant and Secret Santa exchanges, it's the perfect price point, perfect topic, and packed with the perfect content for them all. The book is also the ultimate "pay it forward" gift--I'd bet anyone who receives the Book of Things Better Than Boobs will re-gift it to someone else down the line.
Muchas danke to dogsarebetter for the Dude Product Tip. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.