Am I Dying?!: A Complete Guide to Your Symptoms

Posted: March 13, 2019
Am I Dying?!: A Complete Guide to Your Symptoms
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Find out if you're dying, and have a laugh about it, with Am I Dying?!: A Complete Guide to Your Symptoms--and What to Do Next, a new "comprehensive, light-hearted resource for the hypochondriac in all of us." Written by Columbia University cardiologists Christopher Kelly and Marc Eisenberg - who must be either really good or really bad at their jobs to have enough time left over from heart patients to write a funny book on your health - Am I Dying?! is broken down according to dozens of symptoms (e.g., bloating, chest pain, fatigue) you might be experiencing. Within each the docs elaborate on the specific nature of the symptom, describing under what circumstances you should Get Thee to the ER, Make a Doctor's Appointment, and Chill the F Out.

Before your click "buy" on Am I Dying?! do keep in mind that it's overriding takeaway is that most new symptoms are minor, and will not result in your imminent death. However, if you'd like to know when your headache has become more than a reminder you shouldn't drink so much red wine and wheat beer - especially mixed together - Am I Dying?! does aim to be a legit reference, source of medical advice, and educational read.

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