The Dirtiest Dirty Santa Gifts (NSFW)
It's not just a Dirty Santa gift exchange or a White Elephant party this year, it's a Dirty Dirty Santa gift exchange or a Black White Elephant party. And if it's not, grab one of these questionable, sexual, offensive and / or poo-tiful presents as your contribution and make it so.
Star Wars Kama Sutra
SN Herder has thought a lot about the Force awakening. So much that his mind went...there. First the gutter, and then the toy bin. Herder says he made The Extremely Unofficial and Highly Unauthorized Star Wars Kama Sutra for "Star Wars fans with a slightly twisted sense of humor." He stresses that the book is a parody, all in good fun, and, of course, superlatively not approved by Disney...or your company's HR team...or your grandma.
Super Pochaco Sexy Noodle Stopper Figurine
Just when you thought Cup Noodles and microwave Ramen couldn't get any sexier, the geniuses at the Japanese brand FuRyu went and made this series of instant noodle lid stopper figurines. This one, "Super Pochaco," must be the Japanese term for "big, bold, and beautiful." Or maybe "junk in the trunk." Or perhaps "giant over-ear headphones."
Super Pochaco is pricy for a Dirty Santa gift, but if you consider all that (ass) you're getting with her purchase, I think she's worth it.
Hangrees Pooping Pop Culture Parody Figures
Mutant Turds, Chewkaka, and Harry Plopper at your service. Er, more like at your shitter. It's easy to describe Hangrees - they're parody figures that poop slime in the likeness of various pop culture darlings. Colorful slime, sparkling slime, uh, scented slime. All of which you mix up yourself to the consistency and texture that suits your Hangree best. See, easy.
Less easy is describing why Hangrees exist.
Until, that is, Dirty Santa season rolls around.
Tirecockz Prank Tire Valve Stem Caps
Anyone who receives these ridickulous penis tire valve stem caps in the Dirty Santa exchange will pretend to be humiliated, and act like they can't wait to get rid of this purple-nozzled yogurt slinger of injustices.
But secretly, they'll be praying to the newborn baby Jesus to be the one spinning porkswords on the drive home that night.
Up Yours Mug
Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Orrrr...go the passive aggressive route and stick this Up Yours mug in some gift wrap for your Dirty Santa or White Elephant exchange, and trust the fates to make sure the appropriate party ends up with it (i.e., Aunt Jan / co-worker Scotty. Yep, he goes by "Scotty.")
The Up Yours mug is pretty self-explanatory. White ceramic on the outside, white ceramic on the inside, and...surprise when the coffee's gone!...white ceramic 3D fist flipping the bird rising up out of the mug's interior base.
Willy Care Kit
And if there's a William in your Dirty Santa gift exchange, the joke only gets funnier. Teeheehee.
Here's a grooming kit for men who both are and who have Willies. A little something Willy Care says provides all the tools he'll need for a "quick spit and polish." (I wonder if it's as quick as the other kind of spit and polish my willy enjoys.)
Snow Globe Sweaters
I've got one for the willies, so naturally I have to include one for the ladies on my dirtiest of Dirty Santa gift list. In the title description for Snow Globe Sweaters also appear the words "Hooter Heaters," which is a much better and more obvious name in my opinion (unless, I guess, you know someone with a pet owl.) The point is, these are little stocking hats sized to cover the nips when it gets nippy out.
2020 Dragon Sex Wall Calendar
Behold 2020's edition of the hottest date tracker ever made. Fresh, dirty, and on fire!, here's the 2020 Dragon Sex Wall Calendar.
For a rundown on WTF you're looking at, check out my first Dragon Sex Calendar post from 2015.
DIY Vasectomy Kit
Your gift will be the hit of the party, and it's no more than an empty box. You could throw some latex gloves and a pair of scissors in there for a rattle and added effect.
Prank gift boxes have been around for a few years now, but the jokesters behind them continue to bring top notch humor and creativity to their package designs for the Weirdest / Creepiest / Worst Gift Ever. The Do-It-Yourself Vasectomy Kit maintains every snippet of the ruse with 6 sides of content description, testimonials, and full-color photos. Right down to the maker of the vasectomy kit: Dr. Richard Payne.
Dr. Dick Pain!
Poop Like a Champion Cereal
Be the bearer of new year, new you...from the inside out! Any recipient of Poop Like a Champion Cereal will go giddy at the though of cleansing their colon of 2019 - or maybe just the indulgences of the holiday season - with this number-two-inducing blend of soluble and insoluble fiber packed into little nuggets in the shape of the superstar they'll feel like after their bowels meet a bowl of Poop Like a Champion.
Offencils Profanity Pencils
Offencils profanity pencils are like the Daniel Tosh of insulting writing tools. They say it, they own it, and if you're offended,'re probably a scat-sucking twat face anyway. And, also like Tosh, if you can get past the dirty nature of Offencils' themes and language, you'll have to admit: they're pretty fucking funny.
Edible Asian Forest Scorpion
When I was growing up, pho and spicy tuna rolls were "weird Asian food." How far I've come that it now takes an edible Asian Forest Scorpion, dehydrated and packaged to ship!, to make me flinch.
A delicacy in northeast Thailand and other regions of southeast Asia, the Asian Forest Scorpion is a creepy crawler common to the area, but one of the few scorpion species known to be edible. Those distributor ecoEats seals up for consumption are sourced from farms that breed the little buggers exclusively as tasty human snacks.
World Champion Dick Trophy
There are two things I really like about this trophy, which simply reads "World Champion" across the engraved plate on the front, and apparently comes with a patriotic ribbon tied around it. 1) The level of detail! Check out the photo gallery, and you'll see the seller is very proud of the effort they've taken to replicate with precision a penis' trademark contours and wrinkles, which are highlighted further by the dick's gold-dipped sheen. 2) At least at printing, the title of the World Champion Dick Trophy listing began with these words: "Happy New Year & Christmas Decorations."
For Rectal Use Only Stickers
Rather than wrapping these For Rectal Use Only stickers up as a Dirty Santa gift, it might be more fun to take them to the party and just stick them on all the other gifts. Plus any beer bottles and utensils you see lying around. Trays of select appetizers. Various items in the host's bathroom. The possibilities are endless.