Capcom Home Arcade

Posted: April 17, 2019
Capcom Home Arcade
Check It Out

SEGA Genesis Mini too small for your Thanos-sized hands? Good news! The Capcom Home Arcade is a full-sized - maybe even oversized - retro gaming console also coming your way this fall. Set to release on October 25, 2019, Capcom's capitalization on pop culture's nostalgia for 80s and 90s video games is almost 30" long, about the size of the synthesizer I also played in the 80s and 90s, and, in case you forget which game publisher you're going old school with, the Capcom Home Arcade is designed as a giant "CAPCOM" duotone logo.

The Capcom Home Arcade can go single or multiplayer with its 2 sets of 1:1 size Sanwa controllers and 16 pre-installed classic arcade games. Games include Street Fighter II, Mega Man: The Power Battle, Alien vs. Predator, and Captain Commando.

Not retro is the Capcom Home Arcade's setup - plug & play all the way with supplied HDMI and USB power cables. The system also has onboard WiFi for uploading your scores to a Capcom Worldwide High Score Leaderboard.

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