Role Playing Dice Gauntlet

Posted: October 22, 2013
Role Playing Dice Gauntlet

Default setting during Settlers of Catan play is already shaking my fist while bellowing a battle cry. Sometimes of conquer. Sometimes of defeat. Funny how those sounds and gestures have global emotional applications. Anyway, imagine how many birds I'd stone if I could fold dressing the part and rolling the dice into my display of joy/anger. And imagine my total domination of D&D Sunday night at the Bierstube down the street in Geekify Inc's Role Playing Dice Gauntlet. Barbarian Fur-style.

Dice gauntlets are powered by an ATMega system, and project two independent displays, so they can roll two separate dice of any type simultaneously, according to the user's selected mode setting. And gratifyingly, digital rolls really do occur at the shake of a fist in the air, or emphatic pound of it to the table.

Bracer technology can produce rolls for all multi-sided die--use it for coin flips, d6, d8, d20, d100, and everything in between. The display will also track character life and score with its counter mode, and time elapsed or waning with its timer mode.

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