LEGO White House

Posted: January 02, 2012
LEGO White House
Check It Out

The last coveted addition to any Tea Party is now a mere 560 bricks away. From a little elbow grease, and a very large cache of patience, you'll see emerge a perfect replica of the most important and recognizable home in the US. Right after the Playboy Mansion.

The actual White House took about 8 years to build. This LEGO version, measuring a fraction of the 6-story behemoth's size at 9 inches wide, will probably take only a couple of days to achieve peak brilliance. Less if you hit up the nearest university campus for some Adderall. Figurines of panicked Obamas, Newt Gingrich with a lock picker, and Mitt Romney toting the lost scrolls of Joseph Smith sold separately.

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