Driveway Medic Asphalt Repair Fabric

Posted: May 29, 2014
Driveway Medic Asphalt Repair Fabric
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Need to cover your crack? Driveway Medic says it will prevail where liquid crack filler falters. A roll of self-adhesive asphalt repair fabric, the patcher applies in seconds via a simple peel-and-stick method, covering, sealing, and waterproofing in a single step. Driveway Medic is compatible with all driveway sealers and, once applied, can be walked or driven on immediately. According to manufacturer Cofair, the product will also stay put and effective for years.

Each Driveway Medic roll measures 6" wide by 9' long. While it should stand up to cold temperatures and snow, a reviewer does recommend applying the fabric and establishing initial adhesion in warm weather.

Driveway Medic asphalt repair fabric is a top Dude Gift for Dad and Gift for the Garage pick.

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