Printed Body Flowers Swimsuit

The Printed Body Flowers Swimsuit doesn't provide quite the same caliber of beach-ready optical illusion as the Sexy Chest Swimsuit, but at least this Jean Paul Gaultier design is more likely to make you drool than gag. I mean, just look at those luscious, scintillating, perfectly-contoured...printed body flowers.
The Printed Body Flowers Swimsuit is a designer one-piece featuring, yes, some colorful flowers, but also an expertly drawn and shaded likeness of the belly and boobies that lie underneath the suit. It's a provocative, yet still somehow tasteful piece of swimwear that I give two enthusiastic thumbs up, and one long Duuuuuude. Move over Ta Ta Top and Internal Organs Rash Guard, these bloomin' boobies are my new #1 anatomical pick for the pool.