Temporary Eye Tattoos
- Eye Tattoo Pack - $8.99
- Get Naughty Party Tattoos - $13.54
- Glowbys LED Fiber Optic Light-Up Hair - $5.12
- Sexy Lower Back Temporary Tattoos - $9.99
- Fingerstache Temporary Tattoos - $8.36
I can't tell if these temporary tattoos are attractive or look like someone taped a doily to your eye, but I think girls will like them, so as a nod to girls, I'm going to award Man Nga Liu's makeup alternatives relatively high marks. My favorite design is the one with the stars because it reminds me of Wonder Woman and, in turn, hotness, and my second favorite is the one with the rainbow checkerboard pattern because it reminds me of a shirt AC Slater would wear with pleated, acid-washed jeans on Saved By the Bell.
Tattoos arrive affixed to stencils, and may be trimmed to fit individual eyes, provided you have a steady hand and are good at cutting things. I'm not kidding. Scissor skills are underrated. Every time I have to wrap a present or trim my chest hair I am reminded of this.