I Am Chewie Hoodie
Holy crap, Rheurrrrrr Glglglglg Rararararara, and Hubba, hubba! It's the furriest, frilliest Chewbacca hoodie yet, modeled by the furriest, hottest Wookiee fan yet. I Am Chewie certainly isn't the first attempt to bring Han Solo's co-pilot to zip-up life you've seen around here (remember the Mark Ecko classic and reversible copycat?) but it's definitely the one best suited for ladies. Fancy ladies. And also pimps.
Sold through We Love Fine, a fandom-based online store stocked by independent artists and designers, the I Am Chewie Hoodie features long locks of polyester fur and an applique satin bandolier. Its liner is 100% cotton. In this case, Chewbacca comes from Kashyyyk by way of a design studio in Los Angeles.
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