Momentary Ink - Try on Your Custom Tattoo

I wanted my girlfriend to dress up as the hot chick from Blindspot for Halloween so I could test out these Momentary Ink custom tattoos on her, but she was all, No! Absolutely not! I have a trial starting Thursday and I'm not going into it with neck tatts! My insistence that the tattoos would surely prove to be the key to winning her trial if she could solve them in time did little to persuade her. Oh well. My body was made for ink, so I was happy to slap on a Native American-inspired owl, intricate flower design, rainbow-colored New York skyline, and something that looked like it was cut out of a Salvador Dali painting, and take Momentary Ink to the twist, bend, stretch, sweat & shower rodeo myself.
Just like Tosh.0.
Two big, important details set Momentary Ink apart from your average gumball machine offering: 1) Their tattoos aren't just yours to wear, but yours to design; and 2) the company's proprietary Real Teal make-it-look-like-you-met-the-needle solution.
If you have an idea for a tattoo, get it drawn or Photoshopped out, and send Momentary ink an image or copy of the file. They'll print the design, in whatever quantity you want, onto tattoo sheets so you can try it out on your body--on various parts of your body, even--before committing to the real thing.
Momentary Ink tattoos also look far more real because they run through an offset printing process by the 1000s, and their application includes a coat of Real Teal. I don't know exactly what Real Teal is, but it comes in a little vial and you use an included finger condom to spread on a thin layer, and then poof! Your tatt is sealed and matted and lookin' pretty alright.
Momentary Ink says their tattoos typically mug at full glory for 2 to 5 days before showing signs of wear. I left mine on for about 2 weeks, and then peeled them off, along with patches of fuzzy body hair, almost whole. (Baby oil will do the trick too.) Check out the video in the gallery above for a step-by-step application demo.