TRAK - Titanium Runner's Anywhere Knife

TRAK's roots are as a utility knife for commercial divers, and its name suggests the mini blade has been redesigned for runners. But TRAK's makers say the ultra-lightweight titanium anywhere knife will be a welcome piece of EDC for anyone.
TRAK makes sense for runners, plus hikers, campers, and dog walkers out alone, because it weighs less than 1/2 ounce, is rust-proof, and comes with a custom made Kydex thermoplastic retention sheath athletes can hang from a belt loop or neck chain (or slip into a specially designed TRAK armband, which also serves as a holster for iPhones and iPods.) And when you're in a sketchy or strangely quiet area, you can move with your TRAK in hand.
The TRAK's rectangular shape is punctuated (and punctured!) by a large center hole made to fit the user's index finger. The thumb and middle finger then wrap around the outside of the knife, making it comfortable and secure to hold and and carry.
TRAK's titanium is sourced in California, cut into blanks in Texas, and then smithed into the knife you see in Boston, inside the TRAK shop.