Bushcraft Survival 1" Scotch Eye Hand Auger

Posted: August 30, 2021
Bushcraft Survival 1" Scotch Eye Hand Auger
  • Bushcraft Survival 1
  • Bushcraft Survival 1
  • Bushcraft Survival 1
  • Bushcraft Survival 1
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There aren't many times I'd pick a hand tool over a power tool, but Bushcraft Survival's Scotch Eye Auger is definitely...well...not one of them. My mama makes me do enough manual labor at her house without throwing a 1" steel drill bit I gotta wrench through wood by hand into the mix.

You dudes, though, you're crafty - bushcrafty, even - so maybe the Bushcraft Survival Hand Auger will pique your interest and prick your logs and other wood goods in the near future. The drill is professionally milled from hardened oxidized steel with an ultra-sharp bit able to drive up to a 9" hole through woods soft as (according to my mama) my belly and hard as (also according to my mama) my head alike.

The Scotch Eye Hand Auger has an eye diameter of 1.1" and length of 1.5" to fit larger sticks for additional torque and easier drilling. Bushcraft Survival suggested uses range from building shelters in survival mode to creating dowel holes, wooden mallets, saw horses, and rocket stoves.

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