StaySafe 5-in-1 Fire Extinguisher

I wonder if one of the 5 types of fire this StaySafe 5-in-1 Fire Extinguisher is made to put out is the one currently raging in my throat. Dudes, the main thing I did over America's birthday weekend is catch Covid, and while I am three shots safe from my death bed or the hospital...holy esophagus, Batman! Is my throat ever sore! Every other body part is feeling pretty much fine, but that 8" shaft connecting piehole to chesticular region, damn, damn, Uncle Sam, it might be the worst hurt I've felt since my mama told me she really wanted a girl.
Anyway, the StaySafe 5-in-1 Fire Extinguisher is a potentially life-saving flame-douser packed in a lightweight, recyclable plastic aerosol can. It appears to be much easier to grab and deploy than traditional metal fire extinguishers, and is sized for easy storage in gloveboxes, toolboxes, and emergency kits, in addition to standard placement in cabinets and under sinks.
The 5 types of fire the can of StayStafe is approved for are: electrical; cooking oil; textiles; petrol/diesel; and paper/card. Dang. Not inflamed human throat. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.