Drybo Plus Automatic Pet Dryer

Posted: August 29, 2022
Drybo Plus Automatic Pet Dryer
Check It Out

I categorized the Drybo Plus Automatic Pet Dryer as a potential gift for pet lovers in Dude's excellent collection of gift guides, but I'm wondering if this wind cage wouldn't be better suited as a gift for the pet hater (a gift guide that, despite my tumultuous relationship with my cat Zanzibar, I have not made, and do not condone.)

The futuristic white cube of the Drybo Plus might look cool to humans, but when it comes down to it, this is a fully enclosed kennel you lock your cats or small dogs inside, while blowers in the floor shoot air straight up into their wet fur. All in the name of beauty, our own grooming laziness, and, I suppose, the desire not to have our arms scratched to a bloody pulp trying to blow dry a cat.

The Drybo Plus kinda makes the KiTiDOT Laser Pointer Cat Collar look benign.

Of course, according to its creators, the Drybo Plus is itself benign, and has supposedly "won wide recognition for its safety, comfort, efficiency and scientific design." The unit has customizable temperature, heat intensity, blowing speed, and drying time settings on a front control panel, and lots of ventilation holes punched into a pair of portholes owners can also open to stick a reassuring hand inside (which will likely then be scratched or bitten.)

In addition to allowing feline and canine occupants to breathe, the ventilation holes provide a constant exchange of hot dryer for fresh exterior air. Sensors inside the automatic pet drying ensure the temperature you select remains constant and evenly distributed.

Drybo Plus dimensions are 16.2" long x 13.7" wide x 14.1" tall. It can fit and blow-dry cats weighing up to approximately 20 pounds, and puppies or small dogs up to approximately 15 pounds.

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