Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Candle
- LEGO Ghostbusters Ecto-1 - $49.95
- Inflatable Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Costume - $35.33
- Domination Candle - $11.85
- Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Beach Towel - $19.99
- Campfire Scented Candle - $11.99
You've already lit the fire that melted Toht's face off. Now get ready to s'mores up the Ghostbusters' biggest bad guy. Set a match to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Candle at the top of his head, and watch him roast and ooze away in a slow death to save New York. Yeah, the candle is missing about 999.3 of the original Stay Puft's 100 feet, and his melting won't be quite as dramatic (or blackened to a crisp) as the proton pack takedown scene in the movie, but you'll still get to enjoy the precious sailor outfit and maniacally happy face and, more importantly, the Marshmallow Man Candle gives off the delicious scent of marshmallows as he burns. Nom, nom, nom, now I'm hungry for marshmallows. I wonder if I can get She-Ra: Princess of Power to make me some Martha Stewart Rocky Road Fudge Bars tonight.