Girlfriend Pillow

These pillows aren't new to the market, but then again, neither are the all-consuming feelings of loneliness and despair that overtake us as we try to fall asleep at night. So maybe it's time to check out a tried-and-true solution to an age-old problem. The Girlfriend Pillow offers a warm, supple, polyester bosom to nestle into, and loving arm to hold you while you sleep. The only downside to it is waking up every morning and remembering you're still hopelessly single. Or still hopelessly gay. Though boyfriend versions are also available. So are waist-down kneel-at-your-feet girlfriend versions. (If you hadn't already guessed, significant other pillows were conceived by the Japanese). is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.