The Ex Knifeholder
You can't stab your ex for real. Well, you can, and some do, but our jails are really getting crowded. So use this instead. It has the additional benefit of keeping your knife situation tidy. It also comes with 5 new weapons to choose from. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.
Jagdkommando Knife
If you're looking to stab someone in the back, knife them in the heart, or just royally screw them over, Microtech's MCT1057 Jagdkommando fixed blade knife is the definitive way to do it. A version of the manufacturer's...
Belt Buckle Knife
Well I just hope the sheaths in Bowen's blade-wielding belts are secure and hefty enough to preclude any potential slippage or puncturing in the vicinity of the most important part of my body. The last thing I need from...
Cut to Fit: The Coolest Covert Wearable Knives
The blades in this collection of covert wearable knives aren't so much Bond gadgets or reliable self-defense tools as they are lifesavers in the arenas of cable- and cord-cutting, paper-slicing, and balloon-popping...
Schrade SCHA5B M.A.G.I.C. Folding Knife
The Schrade SCHA5B M.A.G.I.C. folding knife listing neglects to explain its M.A.G.I.C. acronym, so at first I thought maybe it didn't stand for anything, that the caps and dots are just there for their imposing, visual...
Throwing Card Knives
Watermelons. You poor bastards. Always on the receiving end of novelty weapon violence. The Gotcha Cap. The Unbreakable Slugger Umbrella. The <a href="
Handmade in Japan Higo no Kami Knife
Each of these Higo no Kami knives, traditional Japanese non-locking folding blades, are handmade and imported directly from Japan. And if you don't believe me, believe the superb English translation of their product description:...
Kinkajou Bottle Cutter
Kinkajou. The word sounds like it applies to a precocious, yet cuddly, mammalian sidekick that sits on your shoulder and surreptitiously swipes peoples' two-bite brownies and tubes of lip gloss during walks through the...
Ship Your Enemies Glitter
I just read the best analogy of anything ever on "Glitter is the herpes of the craft world." Oh hell yeah it is. Glitter is hideous. Glitter spreads like wildfire. Glitter gets into crevices...
Kniper Throwing Knife & Multi-Tool
People around here seem to love knives and multi-tools. Multi-tools in particular are, like, the new bacon. Before, for at least a year, when I posted anything about bacon clicking fingers went hog wild (see: tactical...
Gifts to Give Someone You're About to Break Up With
Breakup gifts can present themselves in a few different forms. 1) You know you want to end things with your s.o., but his / her birthday is coming up and you can't do it right before. Therefore, you need a gift to give...
ZDay Blades & Bludgeons
In the words of the great Missy Elliott's lyrical masterpiece "Ching-A-Ling", "This is serious maaannnn!" Etsy vendor ZDay Survivor's extensive collection of hand-chiseled, zombie-eradicating blades and bludgeons don't...
Tekto A5 Spry Automatic Knife
Tekto's new A5 Spry shows its spryness in more ways than just the lickety split deployment of its automatic blade. The knife also comes in your choice of Dagger, Drop Point, or Tanto styles, all made with S35VN steel...