Ravanello - Mario Mushroom Radish Shaper
1UP! 1UP! 1UP! 1UP!1UP!1UP! As many 1UP! radish-mushrooms as your little fingers and wrists can churn out without cramping up or going arthritic, thanks to Animi Causa's new Ravanello. Did they intend for the shaper that carves and pokes root vegetables into fungi to look just like the ones that rack up lives for Italian plumbers? How could they not? But even if it isn't a nod to Super Mario Bros. the Ravanello will fit nicely into any culinary artist or food tinkerer's toolbox.
It might also bring the raw radish back. Radishes seem to be a forgotten, or at least untrendy, salad topper and garnish these days (except at taco trucks, of course). Maybe carving them into magic Mario mushrooms with the Ravanello will give them the pop culture boost they need for a resurgence. Especially when there are radishes out there that look like this.
Muchas danke to Gizmodo.
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