Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven

- Pizzacraft PizzaQue Outdoor Pizza Oven - $151.93
- Black Stone Outdoor Pizza Oven - $358.70
- All American Sun Oven - $298.00
- PizzaQue Deluxe Kettle Grill Pizza Kit - $79.00
- Pizzacraft Aluminum Folding Pizza Peel - $29.99
Pizzacraft has made stovetop spinoff to their Pizzeria Pronto Outdoor Pizza Oven. It's called the Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven. Don't worry, I'm sure the design and performance are a lot more inspired than the name.
Made for gas ranges, the Stovetop Pizza Oven preheats atop a cracklin' blue flame in around 15 minutes, and then takes just 6 minutes to cook your dough, bubble your sauce, and melt your cheese into a perfect symbiotic fusion of crunchy-chewy-gooey goodness. The oven contains a cordierite pizza stone inserted into a vented steel base, and covered with a steel hood. Its size and configuration enable it to reach temperatures of around 600 degrees F, at least 100 degrees higher than most conventional ovens (it peaks in a fraction of the time too.)
Pizzeria Pronto version Stovetop measures 14.3" x 16.9" x 6.7"; it can make pizzas up to 12" in diameter.
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