Ganji Kankiri Japanese Can Opener

Posted: December 18, 2018
Ganji Kankiri Japanese Can Opener
Check It Out

I don't know why the Ganji Kankiri - "kankiri" means "can opener" in Japanese, and Gangy is the maker - has such rave reviews. When I watched the video on how to use it I felt like I could get a can of chicken chow mein open faster and easier with this one especially pointy tooth I have. With less chance of needing a ZipStitch given the Ganji Kankiri's fully exposed fixed blade.

The appeal to some, chefs in particular, of the Ganji Kankiri is its simple, cooperative design. The Japanese can opener has no moving parts, so it won't rust or go rickety on you over time, and there are no crevices for food to lodge itself into. It's also durable, with an all-metal construction reviewers say provides excellent stability and leverage during use. The other side of the can opener also has a bottle opener notch.

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