Grids & Guides: A Notebook for Visual Thinkers

Posted: January 07, 2022
Grids & Guides: A Notebook for Visual Thinkers
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Right-brainers, step right up. Left-brainers, Grids & Guides hasn't left you out either. The Notebook for Visual Thinkers from Princeton Architectural Press contains 144 pages of "varied and unusual graph paper" intended to better connect and engage you with your writing, sketches, and calculations.

Notebook grids are a mix of black and blue ink, with designs including the classic Cartesian 1/8" and Compound 1/16" grids, plus more unusual Circle, Diamond, and Point Patterned grids. Guides for visual thinkers, printed in red ink, include how-tos on knot tying, a roundup of logic expressions, and usage of the Fibonacci sequence and golden ratio.

The Red Grids & Guides: A Notebook for Visual Thinkers shown here is part of a series of Princeton Architectural Press journals. You can also find Black, Navy, and Gray, each with slightly different content.

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