You & Your Pet Custom Portrait

It takes no stretch of the imagination these days to believe someone created an easy way to make custom portraits of you and your pet. The technology is there. The availability of Photoshop is there. And, for better or worse, the demand is definitely there.
These dandy decorative wall hangings come from Etsy shop Pawtail Portraits. The pawtists at Pawtail will superimpose you and and 1 pet, you and 2 pets, or 2 of you and 1 pet (or, like, you, your wife, and your pet) onto your choice of several bodily backgrounds, ranging from regal to Sears family photo. The portrait is then saved as a digital file, which you can buy as is for printing and/or turning into this year's holiday card at home, or in a number of different poster sizes Pawtail Portraits will transfer to a professional canvas or professional fine art photography paper for you.