Noodles Towels

- AnFuK The Great Ramen of Kanagawa Square Pillow Cover - $10.28
- Send Noods Noodle Beach Towel - $14.98
- Ramen Neon Sign - $225.00
- Beef Ramen Noodle Beach Towel - $24.88
- Cup Noodle Printed Beach Towel - $16.99
I already have a Ramen Towel. It doesn't have screen-printed bowls of noodles hanging off the sides of it though. It's just a red towel I really like, and always keep tucked in the neck of my shirt while I eat Ramen to: 1) catch the slurp drippings; and 2) wipe the sweat off my face when I order my broth extra spicy, and then go to town with the sriracha on top. Oh it hurts, but it hurts so good! Makes me feel aliiive!
The Nood Towels here are, admittedly, much nicer to look at than my Ramen Towel. They come in 3 noodle bowl varieties, ramen, udon, and soba, and it seems you don't get to pick which one you get if you decide to order one. But maybe that's deliberate. Maybe it's the Japanese way of saying sometimes in life it's best to relinquish control. To step back from choosing our noodles, and allow our noodles to choose us.