Pumpkin Scraper Glove

When you're sittin' on the lawn, and the pumpkin lid is gone / Be a man, use your hand, Pumpkin Scraper Glove!
And don't worry, unlike your bare hand facing a toilet paperless deuce on the john, the Pumpkin Scraper Glove provides full coverage, all the way up the bicep!, so you won't get pumpkin guts all over yourself as you use it to remove the squash's innards. Well, at least not all over the arm part of yourself.
The Pumpkin Scraper Glove, according to the Pumpkin Scraper Glove, "has turned the dreaded task of cleaning the guts out the pumpkin, into a fun family event!" I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call it "fun," but a less messy and disgusting progression from pumpkin to jack-o-lantern, yeah. For sure. The extra-long glove features a hand with fingers swapped out for a plastic serrated scraper to extract the slimy orange flesh and slippery white seeds. The Scraper Glove set also comes with some non-scraper gloves and carving tools for the kids. Everything is washable and reusable next Halloween.
The final point I'd like to make about the Pumpkin Scraper Glove, a useful, but otherwise banal gift for Halloween, is, will you check out the face of the mom in the image gallery photo of a family doing some Pumpkin Scraper Glove carving? Holy crap! She looks like the adult version of a kid whose parents warned her if she kept doing that her face was going to get stuck that way, and she kept doing it, and her face did get stuck that way! Srsly, Pumpkin Scraper Glove, who green lighted that image for the press kit?
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