Dutchman's Buttery Coconut Oil for Popcorn

Buttery popcorn fit for the movie theater in a buttery package fit for vegans. Dutchman's Buttery Coconut Oil has your popcorn's back (and front and sides) too, paleos, ketos, and lactose intolerants.
Dutchman's says their Buttery Coconut oil imparts a nuts-on accurate replica not only of that addictive movie theater popcorn taste, but, with the oil infused with the same beta carotene found in carrots, also of that brilliant movie theater popcorn...uh...yellow-orange finger-staining color. So you can also "enjoy the look of theater popcorn," and presumably carry a reminder of having eaten it for hours thereafter, "without preservatives and chemical coloring." Cool. And kind of strange.
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