Chirps Cricket Protein Chips

If I asked you if you'd like some Sriracha Chirps chips, made with stone ground corn and machine ground crickets, I'd probably hear...crickets, crickets. Or maybe you'd tell me to stop bugging you, and that I'm buggin' out if I think you want to have a snack of bugs. And I am buggin'. Buggin' on some of the best tortilla chips I ever ate.
When Chirps asked if I wanted to review their cricket-based products, which also include cricket protein powder and cricket cookie mix, I thought it would a fun new way to gross out my wife, and a sweet gag gift to give to my friend Cornelius. I figured I'd eat one, put the rest on She-Ra: Princess of Power's chili with the empty bag next to it, and then try to think of something blandly positive to say here.
But blandness be gone! Chirps Cricket Protein Chips are bursting with flavor! The good kind! I've only tried my single-serving sriracha bag so far, which I now prefer to any type of Doritos by a factor of 4. They're not too spicy, and not overly coated in flavor (or neon colors) but the sriracha kick, plus a balanced sprinkling of salt and other seasonings, is there in every bite. And, no, you do not taste the crickets.
The best part about the Chirps Chips though is their texture, almost like a flaky pie crust, but made with corn instead of flour (the chips are also gluten-free grain-shunners.) Whoever figured out the oil-to-cornmeal ratio and bake time used here must know Juanita, because these triangular delights are right up there with her tortilla chips on my list of things I could eat until my gut springs a leak.
The cricket protein Chirps uses in their chips and other products is a combination of Acheta domesticus and Gryllodes sigillatus (the common house cricket and the tropical banded cricket for bug fans out there). The result is a sustainable protein-fortified snack that has as much protein per serving as an egg white, as well as 20% of your DRA of B12, and 30% less fat than regular tortilla chips. All ingredients are all-natural. In addition to sriracha, you can also get Chirps Cricket Protein Chips in BBQ and cheddar flavors.