The Plunge Plumbing-Free Cold Therapy Tub

After reading about the Plunge cold therapy tub and its plug-and-plunge ability to chill hose water down to 39 degrees F with no plumbing hookups required, I can say with certainty that this dude is...not ready to take the Plunge. I mean, just last week I was going to take a bath in my normal bathtub, and I accidentally spent 23 minutes filling it with the tap handle turned to cold rather than hot, and when my little toesies touched that water, EEEEEEE! I almost screamed off all my leg hair.
So, yes, super cold plunges - and even normal cold showers and baths - have a lot of health hype around them. Everything from instant energy, to pain relief and muscle recovery, to mood enhancement, to immune system support. And if you've got the gumption and the guts to go for it, then by all means, take the Plunge yourself. I'll simply take my place under the shade of my lounger, with a nice mist fan and frozen margarita, to achieve my optimal levels of cold instead.