The SlideRider

- PlayStar Giant Scoop Wave Slide - $299.99
- Easy Outdoor Space Dome - $159.95
- Slip N Slide Hydroplane Double With 2 Slide Boogies - $21.77
- Happy Caterpillar Climbing Structure - $337.19
- Kool Splash Inflatable Swimming Pool Water Slide - $119.95
Trisha Cleveland invented the SlideRider for children. She took the concept to Quirky, refined her indoor stair slide's design, and is now in the midst of exploring branding and pricing options with feedback from the inventor's site's members. With children in mind. If all goes well--and if the SlideRider's Facebook explosion is any indication, it will--Cleveland and Quirky will manufacture and release the Chute of Champions nationwide. For children.
How much you wanna bet half the eventual SlideRider purchasers will be over the age of 18? And drunk stair surfing will become the #1 game at all frat, and then cocktail, parties across the country, as well as the #1 reason for ER admission on Friday and Saturday nights?
The SlideRider is made up of a series of sturdy but soft folding mats. It stores neatly in a cube when not in use and then unfurls along a standard staircase, transforming in minutes into a slide, when play/double dog dare time arrives. A weighted top and high-friction, grippy bottom hold the slide in place, and built-in side rails prevent users from slipping off on the way down. A bumper at the end of the run either stops forward momentum or helps propel those who get a really solid launch into the air for a crowd-pleasing faceplant.
Quirky is currently seeking a manufacturer to mass produce the SlideRider. Interested sliders can track progress by following the link below.