Pop-Up Encyclopedia of Sharks & Sea Monsters

Posted: December 16, 2013
Pop-Up Encyclopedia of Sharks & Sea Monsters
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One Amazon reviewer gives Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Sharks and Other Sea Monsters 5 stars, raving, "My 3-year-old loves it!" Well guess what, toddler mama, I'm 33 and I love it too! From Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart, authors also of the dinosaur companion version of this colorful learning tool with 3D fangs, Encylopedia Prehistoria explores the massive sharks, giant scorpions, and colossal squid that once patrolled our ancient oceans. They also warn inquisitive kiddos to keep their eyes out--and dangling limbs tucked in--for those that still do.

Sharks and Other Sea Monsters covers underwater beasts from the greatest of all great white sharks, the 50' megalodon, to prehistoric coelacanths, a big fat fish that isn't entirely ugly. Like, on a scale of Bernese mountain dog puppy to adult pug, it's about a French bulldog.

Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Sharks and Other Sea Monsters is recommended for peoples aged 5 to 9 years. And also 3-year-olds and 33-year-olds.

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