Experimenting with Babies

- The Sh!t No One Tells You: A Guide to Surviving Your Baby's First Year - $9.28
- Calm the F*ck Down: The Only Parenting Technique You'll Ever Need - $11.86
- Introductory Calculus For Infants - $11.66
- The New Dad's Survival Guide: Man-to-Man Advice for First-Time Fathers - $10.41
- The Baby Owner's Manual - $9.60
Nope, Experimenting with Babies is not a Carps & Angsty Manatee card. Nor is it, to the disappointment of at least one Amazon reviewer, a book of "information about surgical experiments intended to transform the baby into a post technological horrorbeast capable of dominating the globe." Shaun Gallagher's Experimenting with Babies: 50 Amazing Science Projects You Can Perform on Your Kid is a completely non-invasive, completely harmless, but still, most buyers report, a completely fascinating and fun guide to learning about your kid's cognitive, motor, language, and behavioral skills.
Viable research subjects include progeny ranging anywhere from newborns to toddlers, with experiments denoting which age group they're best suited for. Gallagher has designed 50 projects to help give parents insight into how their kiddos are growing and learning to do things such as: recognize faces, voices, and shapes; understand new words; walk; and distinguish between right and wrong.
If you're a parent wondering whether or not you will like Experimenting with Babies, or if you're buying a gift for a parent and wondering if this would be a good one, here's what another favorable buyer review has to report about the book: "Turns out that it is like crack for new parents who are already fascinated by every burp, wiggle, and wide-eyed blink that emerges from their offspring. It gives them more to do with the infant than just stare at it and make odd, high-pitched sounds."
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