Duckballs - Duck-Shaped Snowball Maker

- Heart Shaped Snowball Maker - $10.99
- BESPORTBLE Snow Ball Blaster - $35.98
- Snow Ballz Instant Snowball Maker - $11.24
- Hoopla Toys Snowball Thrower - $14.99
- Snowball Slingshot - $13.65
Who's ready for some flying duckballs to the face? I know it sounds gross, but think of it delicacy. Yeah, that's it, a delicacy of snowball fights.
And as further enticement, flying duckballs aren't actually the testicles of ducks being flung through the air. Duckballs are made of snow. And as further, further enticement, duckballs aren't even snow molded into the shape of duck junk. They're snow molded into the shape of the entire duck. A better description of them might be duck-shaped snowballs.
But where's the snicker-worthy fun in that?
So grab a duck-shaped snowball maker and mold yourself up some duck-shaped snowballs. And then be sure to invite all the other kiddos and grown-ass men in your neighborhood to take part in a duckball flight wherein everyone agrees to yell "Duckballs!" or "Eat a duckball!" or "Stop hitting me in the crotch with duckballs!" for its duration.
And speaking of getting hit in the crotch with duckballs, if that indeed happens to your manballs, perhaps they would enjoy an apres-duckball-fight soak in a Testicuzzi.
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