Take a Number! Tiny Ticket Dispenser

Posted: December 15, 2021
Take a Number!: A Tiny Ticket Dispenser
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Take a Number! is both a Tiny Ticket Dispenser and a tiny book, written by Mollie Thomas, and subtitled A Little Guide for Office Sanity. That means the original intent of the miniature butcher counter-style system for waiting in line was as a desk toy - no, official installation, for your space at work. A way to manage nagging requests and incessant interruptions.

But if you're doing the WFH thing now, a physical Take a Number! Tiny Ticket Dispenser isn't going to translate that well over email, Slack, Teams, and Zoom. But. It could work to your advantage with the influx of family members you'll be attempting to appease over the holidays. Or over any days, if you live in a household consisting of anyone besides yourself.

I, for example, am very interested in implementing this Take a Number! system with my mama, my Aunt Jan, and my in-laws, who will be around an unsavory amount of time over the next few weeks, and then my live-in family of my wife, She-Ra: Princess of Power, and my cat, Zanzibar thereafter.

The Take a Number! Tiny Ticket Dispenser and book would also make a fine white elephant gift, especially if you are back in the office doing a gift exchange, and even more especially if you work in healthcare.

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