Office Possum

Posted: September 01, 2020
Office Possum
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Waka, waka, waka, it's the old possum in the office trash can surprise! You know, the classic Office Possum prank. The practical joke of the...yeah, OK, the practical joke of the nothing. Hiding a possum in your co-worker's desk or the break room fridge isn't a thing. ... Which is precisely why the Office Possum is a hilarious gag! They'll never see it coming!

The Office Possum from Archie McPhee is made of stuffed latex, which I'm sure makes the beady-eyed rodent feel as gross as it looks. Once you tire of dangling it off file cabinets and light fixtures, go ahead and just lay the Office Possum backside up on your favorite Karen's or Ken's desk and tell them you guess the poor guy got so scared when he saw them trundling toward him this morning he decided to play dead.

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