Giant Inflatable Solar System with LED Lights

I'm not sure "giant" is the word you want to be using when talking about a replica of our solar system. Even with the Sun being 9' and Jupiter 7' in diameter, these "Giant" Inflatable Solar System Balloons are still miniatures when compared to our actual solar system. No, not even miniatures. Microscopics. Nanoparticulates!
But, yeah, giant compared to your average balloon, and definitely too big for the average space-lovin' kid's bedroom. The 8 planets and Sun of this inflatable solar system would, however, deck out an event space for an appropriately themed party. Halloween. NASA's holiday celebration. Wedding reception for a coupla sci-fi geeks.
You can hang the solar system inflatables from overhead with the included ropes, or get some ring stands and trust them to stay put on the ground. Or just toss them loose into the party and see what happens.
To make the LED light portion of the Giant Inflatable Solar System with LED Lights a thing, you'll need 8 x AAA batteries per balloon. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.