Gun Shaped Knife with LED Light

- Trigger 44 Mag Pistol Knife - $13.99
- Boker Magnum 1911 Folding Knife - $16.95
- Spring-Assisted Pocket Cleaver - $19.99
- 8" Pink Camo MEAN BITCH Folding Pocket Knife - $10.69
- Navajo Indian Stone Antler Knife - $79.99
Pull the trigger on this gun and get a slash instead of a bang. Ruck Gear makes and engraves gun shaped pocket knives to order, with initials, names, or other text, in your choice of font. They're a simple, but still personal, offering, and while Ruck Gear suggests them as groomsmen gifts, knowing my fiancee's mama, I'm thinking more mother-of-the-bride.
The folding knives have a fast assisted-opening mechanism to change their appearance from funny-looking gun stock to...funny-looking rifle. They also have an LED light "sight" on top. The knife blade is made of stainless steel.
The engraved gun knife is a top Dude Gift for a Man pick.
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