Star Wars Force Band

Posted: September 26, 2016

As Rogue One readies to flash back in the Star Wars timeline, you've got the opportunity to flash back in the IRL timeline (but, uh, forward in the Star Wars timeline) to The Force Awakens, and Sphero's 2015 BB-8 app-enabled droid release. This week the company will launch the Star Wars Force Band, a wearable accessory you can use to control and interact with your BB-8.

As a remote, the Force Band physically drives BB-8 using gesture controls to push him, pull him, and activate Droid Pirouette Mode. You can also partner up with BB-8 to do some Force Training, or select Combat Training Mode for solo practice with a Blaster, Lightsaber, or just your mind and The Force within it. Additional Force Band Jedi trials and featured include:

  • Force Awareness. Find hidden supplies from the Resistance in the real world and collect them with the app. Wait, what? Walk through the real world in search of digital tokens and capture them for points and status? That's a dope idea! I wonder how they thought of it.
  • Robot Control. The Force Band will drive any Sphero robots powered by Bluetooth SMART.
  • Force Control. Learn to Jedi mind Band control other connected objects around you.
  • Holographic Communication. Used BB-8 to record and view virtual holographic messages.

When the Force Bands begins shipping on September 30, 2016, a Special Edition Battle-Worn BB-8 will be available to the fastest-clicking soldiers of the Resistance too. You can buy them as a bundle here.

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