Screaming Meanie 220 Ultra-Loud Alarm Clock & Timer

Hey! The Screaming Meanie 220 stole the name I made up for the Terminator version of my ex-girlfriend Karen! Says it's an alarm clock and timer that can buzz at up to 120dB, suitable for even the soundest sleepers and most serious slackers. But this Screaming Meanie 220 still doesn't come close to the levels of volume and evil achieved by the Screaming Meanie 220 I know.
Available in a trio of colors, the Screaming Meanie 220 can let 'er rip at 3 levels of user-set volume: 70; 90; and the aforementioned max 120 decibels. The latter is equivalent to the eardrum-beating you'd take hearing a chainsaw at close range. A chainsaw at close range. Seems like that would be another effective way to wake someone up or tell them they've run out of time. Maybe the Screaming Meaning 320 will be a Husqvarna collaboration. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more.