Altoids USB Phone Charger
This Altoids tin has been struck by magic and turned into a USB charging device. Perfect for charging your devices on the go, this ingenious invention provides the 5 volts required to charge USB powered devices. Additionally, there is room enough for two spare batteries inside the Altoids tin. Your breath however, will have to suffer at the hands of technology.
If you'd like to be a little "greener" there's the Solar Altoids Charger.
Hydrogen Reactor
While it sounds like something Batman would be called upon to save the world from, Brunton's Hydrogen Reactor is actually an innocuous, albeit robust, deliverer of power to portable devices. It's a piece of scientific...
Cube Laser Virtual Keyboard
Fat-fingered iPad and iPhone users rejoice! Celluon's EPIC Laser Virtual Keyboard, a 63-key QWERTY holograph, projects at full size onto any flat surface, lessening the tediousness of mobile texting and emailing, and...
Flux Capacitor USB Car Charger
ThinkGeek should just pretend it's April Fool's Day any time they have an idea for a product and want to test out its potential for success on a focus group of, like, half a million people. The Flux Capacitor USB Car...
Estream Portable Water Power Generator
What if I don't want to disconnect? What if I don't want to see another person for miles, but do want to keep listening to "Love Yourself" and checking to see if Bieber restored his Instagram account? And also have a...
StormFly - PC for Your Wrist
A PC for your wrist. A Cloud bracelet. An unassuming, yet hi-tech piece of jewelry called StormFly. With a much bigger emphasis on the hi-tech than the jewelry part. The StormFly is a self-proclaimed Ludicrous Speed storage...
Cube-Works Self-Destruct USB 3.0 Hub
The Cube-Works Self-Destruct USB 3.0 Hub takes a different approach to the 2017 phenomenon of pressing buttons and flipping switches to make yourself feel better. Rather than slapping said buttons and switches on a fidget...
BioLite Base Camp Stove
The BioLite Base Camp Stove uses wood both to power and make power. It will massage fruits of the forest into fuel for grilling hot dogs and charging smartphones. Similar to BioLite's original leaf-and-twig-powered Camp...
Urine Powered Batteries
Yes, $24 for six AAs is steep, but they hold their charge for up to 10 years, and, let's face it, you're never going to have trouble finding a couple mils of pee when they need a reboot. NoPoPos (No Pollution Power) are...
Darth Vader Lightsaber Portable Charger
The Jedis may have the Force, but the Dark Side has power. Tons of it. Enough to take your iPhone, Android, or Windows mobile phone from dead to fully juiced and ready for battle. One round with the Darth Vader lightsaber...
PocketPlug - iPhone Case with Built-In Charger
Even as a stubbornly loyal flip phone user, I am overtaken by the brilliance of PocketPlug, a high grade polycarbonate iPhone case with a fully-integrated, retractable charger. And I hear the iPhone's battery power leaves...
SurfEasy - Internet Privacy to Go
Remember the good old days when a computer screen was a shield of privacy, a veil of mystery, an incognito way to surf raunchy websites and cyberstalk first loves? Well, SurfEasy is your USB-shaped DeLorean to the times...
Electrical Storm Dual USB Power Adapter
This is what my mama always told me would happen inside my body if I stuck my finger in an electrical outlet. It actually looks pretty cool. If she hadn't also told me it would fry my brains like a skillet of bacon and...