Disaster Deck Pocket-Sized Emergency Survival Cards

Ah, I wish a simple card trick could solve the disasters of 2020, but I think the Disaster Deck is in over its head here. The pocket-sized set covers everything from wildfires to hurricanes to heatwaves, but I think the magnitude of these disasters this year have grown well beyond the capabilities of 2 x 3 water-resistant cards. Even if they're two-sided.
On the plus side, the Disaster Deck includes a Be Well card for generating calm and balance within when Mother Nature and her demons are running amok without. And for those who truly wouldn't know where to begin when faced with a sudden catastrophe, or those who tend to freeze up when things go terribly wrong, the Disaster Deck does provide simple first steps you can follow to keep yourself level-headed and create momentum.
Question for Disaster Deck creator Terra Frma: can we get cards for Pandemic and Political Unrest added to the next edition?
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