Star Wars Galactic Empire DSA Keycap Set

- The Diviner Keyboard - $599.95
- R2D2 Virtual Keyboard - $273.23
- Star Wars Special Edition Wireless Mouse - $12.99
- KBubble Star Wars MacBook Vinyl Decal Keyboard Stickers - $13.50
- Death Star Mousepad - $7.60
It's official: you can now swathe your keyboard in the emblems and Aurebesh of the Empire with this officially licensed Star Wars Galactic Empire DSA Keycap Set. Well, you can get in line to do it anyway. Preorders for the keycaps, available in straight Aurebesh for the hardcore bilinguals, or Aurebesh with English Sublegends for those of us not quite there yet, run from December 10, 2018 to January 5, 2019, and then you'll have to wait a few more months after that for shipping to begin.
Galactic Empire sets come with 157 PBT dye-sublimated keycaps, including 8 novelty caps with designs such as Death Stars, stormtroopers, and Lord Vader himself to make it clear which side you're on (i.e., the one with cookies.)
Though Galactic Empire DSA Keycap Sets won't arrive in time for Christmas, if you've got the wad of cash to spend on a Star Wars gift for a fan, I'm sure they'd accept a printout of the key grid as a promise of what's coming for them in March or April.